Art of Looking -p11 “(do I have to be) On my Guard?”

On my guard with open eyes and ears as we are sound-biting through the daily show of life,
for the Next Latest News-break. There will be such moments again, at any given point in time.

24/7 and worldwide delivery; sounds like a good slogan in trade but it not
for trouble in “paradise”.
According to the “Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy” is bad news the fastest way to travel,
but you’re not welcome; nowhere…

Bad news power

Like a virus spread, people are interacting on a massive global scale and the massive flood
of information and cargo comes toward us, from every angle and device.
Why do we believe in Artificial Intelligence (or more accurately Machine Learning) but not
in vaccines is still a mystery to me.
Don’t know how a traffic light works, but I’ll trust it whilst crossing.

Luckily there are Anchor Men in media and politics, solid men who stand firm in daring times,
showing a way out into that bright future that awaits all, I’m told so… don’t have to be on my guard.

One by one those today’s heroes don’t die young anymore but live up to their wild ego’s wishes. Masturbating during a zoom-meeting or a gun-cleaning politician, reality-show became a Cruelty-Show. Film producers grave a dark picture, setting awareness in motion.

the Holy Grail of Success

“Behind the scenes”, a mystery land where people want to peek in, for excitement and money. Have to admit, it can be a nice place to hang out, all sharing the of another successful show /performance/…
Pat on the shoulder, money in the bank, and the world is ours to take.

Their Voices finally silenced by truth, exposes the betrayal between the lines of trust, anger, and disappointment over lost dreams and lives ruined by the victims of their power-play.

In Showbiz and also in politics is the creation of fairy tales an art form, a unique selling point, a target to meet, from Sport to News, the Anchors cut loose and start drifting away from the trust we gave them, they start judging us. #Me Too; again revisited…

Nonetheless, making it to the top is one thing, staying there is even tougher.

A Formula 1 car has enormous power but the trick is to control it, staying between the white lines.
Skin hunger or sexual assault, attention or to slime, the Spotlight-hunger Games for fame and fortune.

It’s never enough and we expect to have Flash-Delivery from the world of “Make Belief”,
a shot of success. Instant gratification is the new normal, no time to think twice,
it’s Now! & Snappy before we immediately gonna surf on to the next wave coming…

Thanks to the new James Webb telescope we could see the beginning of time and the universe, right now, do we even have the nerve to look at ourselves in the mirror?…



