The Art of LOOKING.

  • CULLUCCUS -Emagazine

    CULLUCCUS -Emagazine

    CULLUCCUS: the New E-magazine CULLUCCUS is the new E-Magazine by LucFineArt / URL Duke.Online and interactive edition. This ISSUE: “On Your Way Out”.AI & Art / What is Art? / Silver Line Amp manual & more… Traverse of Culture and Arts.Informative-imaginative articles,  food for thoughts. LucFineArt international Artshop

  • Art of Looking p18 “The Monster of Little Tabbet”

    Art of Looking p18 “The Monster of Little Tabbet”

    A little scary Bedtime story. The Monster of Little Tabbet! Scary Bedtime story…Characters: Little Tabbet, Elly his wife, and Jur, Inn-Keeper / friend. At the time, people on the island of “New Shock-land” were habituated by particulate characters,For instance such as the Little Tabbet, a well-known fisherman and a severe tinkerer.You always find him busy…

  • Art of Looking p17 “My first great Football memories.”

    Art of Looking p17 “My first great Football memories.”

    Small chronicle of a boy with a football, we write the year 1965 walking and “pinging” on the way to school, kicking the ball against the low stone garden walls. Also, round the trees in one smooth passing movement. Also in the afternoon, and after school on the heath or sporadic playing field in the…

  • Art of Looking p16“Freedom of Communication”

    Art of Looking p16“Freedom of Communication”

    The Best Media-law is No Law! The free word can be a melody, the title of a collection of publications (1984-2014)Gerard Schuijt, Professor of Media and Law…

  • Art of Looking p15 “The Objective Focus”

    Art of Looking p15 “The Objective Focus”

    Are we all in a “Naive Realism” now? Physical objects exist as we perceive them and exist independently of us. God has not yet been observed, so he does not exist… Time is unequivocally hard and terrible, no longer makes my view impartial, I have seen more violence, the children from the Balkan war, also…

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Image of a woman being carried through the air by swans.

Cinderella on Wings